Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Grief - poem


One day you’re here, you are talking, joking and laughing,
The world seems at peace, birds singing and flying. 
The flowers all have colour
And the trees are rich with leaves 
The sky is the bluest of blues 
And you are here, just in reach. 

And the it all changed, so quick, in just a split second 
The world became so stormy, a new horizon beckoned. 
The colours, they dulled, fresh scents faded
A must, a fog rolled in, the peace was tainted. 
I don’t know how I lost you, when you said your final words 
I wander, if I had known they’d be your last, would I have held onto them so close? 
If I had known that the last time we spoke
Would be the last time id hear your voice,
Would I have picked the phone up and felt so happy, and eagerly rejoiced? 
If I had known the last time I got a letter in the post
With your immaculate handwriting
Would I have savoured the beautiful words a little longer
Seen how they hold such beauty and shining. 
If I had known the last time I’d seen you, would be the last time for good
Would I have ever stopped hugging you? 
Would I have tried harder, listened, understood? 

You were here one day, and gone the next
And all I have to hold are your letters, our memories
Of the late night chatters
When everyone else was asleep
The secret garden we laid in
Feeling so at peace. 
The stories you told me, the adventures you had travelled
The people you had met and the 
Wars you had battled. 
I have the voicemails you left me
When I didn’t reach the phone
And the parcels that lifted me
When I so badly missed home. 
I wrap myself in the blanket you sent me
Despite it being the warmest day of the year
With your comforting words ‘keep your heart warm my dear’. 

I know I couldn’t know, I couldn’t predict what happened
I can’t understand how one minute you are here and the next you have vanished. 

I attempt to console myself, in anyway you would’ve
But I am quick to realise, it’s a void I will never fill. 
People say grief, it lessens in time
You learn to hold onto the good memories only 
I’ll somehow create a manageable, less painful paradigm. 

But there is a chasm in my life, in my heart and soul
The reality that you are gone, I cannot control. 
If I could have just one more conversation,
One more hug, one more letter, one more word
Maybe it’d hurt less, id feel some kind of closure. 
But I know that’s not possible 
For if I got to be with you again, for one last show

I know, oh I know I would never let go. 

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