Friday, July 27, 2018

Homesick to a place, I cannot call Home - poem

Torn, lost and alone
I’m homesick to a place
I cannot call Home 
I don’t have a place anymore
I don’t know where I’m safe 
I’m trying to stay strong
But I’m hanging on by a thread. 

I’m scared of myself 
Because I don’t know who I am
I hate the unknowns
And yet, right now, I am the unknown
The vast quantity of questions 
That spin around my head 
That make my thoughts go hazy 
With all the words left unsaid. 

In a place I do not know
Surrounded by strangers 
I can’t help but feel in threat 
Because I don’t know the dangers. 
Who can i trust, talk to or confide in? 
Who will understand? 
Who will see me for who I am?
Who will pull me from the quicksand? 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Today, I begin the next chapter of my journey. After over two years as an inpatient at the Priory I’m Glasgow, I have made enough progress to move closer to home. It’s been the most difficult two years of my life, but all the pain, heartache, the meltdowns and frustration... it’s been worth it. I walked through those doors a shell of a person. I didn’t trust anyone, I didn’t talk to anyone, and I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to get better, I merely wanted to trick everyone to get off my back. I didn’t think I could survive without my eating disorder. 
‘Emotional’ is the words my team describe my journey here. Two steps forward, one back, but I’ve made it. I had to face a lot of things I never wanted to face, I’ve sat through the rawest groups and 1:1 therapy sessions, I’ve opened my heart out to people and they responded. They gave me Home, believed in myself. They kept fighting for me when I could no longer fight for myself. I gave up on myself, multiple times, but they never gave up on me, even when it would’ve been far easier to. They said no, you deserve better than this. I slowly began to learn how to be kind to myself, to be compassionate, to understand. I was admitted an angry, lonely, tired shell. I am moving on a stronger, beaver, more insightful PERSON. The help I’ve received in Glasgow is the foundation for the rest of my life. Next step? An eating disorder unit closer to home. It’s terrifying, exciting, it’s going to be an adventure. But I’m ready 🌟

Friday, July 20, 2018

Imagine - poem

Imagine a life not focussed on food
Where each meal doesn’t dictate your day and you mood
Imagine a life that is free and real
Where you wake up each day excited to live
And don’t just dread the next meal
Imagine a time where exercise is fun 
It’s running around the park on a summers day 
Enjoying being in the sun
You’d run to feel the breeze 
And walk to admire the trees. 
Imagine a life without hospitals 
Without meal plans and appointments 
Without rules and restrictions 
And your eating disorder causing disarray 
With constant contradictions. 
Imagine numbers being just for math 
And the occasional soduku 
And the only scales you cared about 
We’re the ones weighing your suitcases 
As you jet off to explore more places 
Imagine christmases with hot cocoa
And Easter’s with eggs
 birthdays with cake 
And hot days with milkshakes. 
Don’t give up on this life
It’s closer than you think. 
And I know sometimes
You feel on the brink. 
But hold onto hope
Keep plodding along
I promise you it’s possible
You just have to stay strong. 
So take it Day by day
And be kind to yourself 
Keep fighting and don’t quit
Because this life, free from this illness
It’ll be worth it. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

This is not me - poem

It morphs you into something, someone
Completely unrecognisable,
Even to yourself. 
What are your thoughts
What are it’s? 
How can you trust anything
It all feels like tricks
Like the devil has dealt its cards 
And you have no choice
But to abide it’s every command
No matter how irrational it may sound
You must follow every command. 

You lose yourself
Your personality, your identity. 
Your values are warped 
It exposes your vulnerability. 
Arm in arm, hand in hand
It forces you to act 
No matter how much you withstand. 

It puts these rose tinted glasses
Tightly over your eyes 
It plucks at your heart strings 
To keep you on side. 
It pulls up your beliefs 
Your fears and vulnerabilities. 
It demonises you as a person
And takes no responsibility 
For the chaos it causes 
The unrelenting protocol 
How it sets you up

Just to watch you fall. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

The mask - poem

The mask

You ask me how I am
If I’m managing okay
I reply with the same
I’m fine, and quickly deflect away. 

But take the time
Look a little longer
See my smile waver 
And my eyes wander. 
See how I put on this show
For hours a day
To try and convince you, and myself
That really, I am okay. 

Look a little longer
Ask just once more
See that I’m not okay
My struggles run to my core 

See the way I wear long sleeves 
And cover up my stomach 
The way my legs are always hidden
And I flinch when you come close
See the way I seem to be injured 
And it’s just not getting better 
The way I close my door 
And hide in my room
Withering under the pressure.  

See the make up I put on my head
To cover up the bruises
The lines that trace around my neck 
The string of lies and excuses. 
The way I’ve retreated into myself
The way I am so overly okay
The way I exhaust myself to be fine
Every single day. 

Look a little closer, a little longer maybe 
Ask the question again
To avoid the reflex answer 
You seem to get daily. 
Because I’m not fine
I’m not okay
I’m not coping
And I can’t take another day. 

I can’t continue like this
I’m scared to die but moreso to live
My head has become anarchy again
And it continues to persist. 
I’m scared, panicked, I don’t know what to do
With all the mess flying around my head
I don’t know what is true. 
Do I trust myself, do I ignore the evidence
Do I ask for help and risk restrictions
Do I stay quiet and hope I do okay
Do I ask for help, and feel others dismay. 

You ask me how I am
And I say I’m fine
But every inch of my skin
And fibre of my body
Is screaming 

Help me. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

What do you see? - poem

What do you see when you look at me? 
Do you see the smile I force
The act I play
The show I try to display. 

Do you see the im fine, I promise
The im coping, dont worry 
Do you see my eyes cast downward
The way when you question me,
I deflect in such a hurry. 

Or do you see me
The broken, lost girl I am
Seemingly frozen in time
And unable to break free
From the cage constructed so tightly around me. 

Tell me, do you see my struggles
The way I beg myself to keep going
To maintain this picture that 
I’m in some way coping. 

Do you see the way I cover my ears 
And close my eyes 
In an attempt to convince myself
This is a horrible nightmare, it’s not real
That I’m begging myself to wake up
And it to be surreal. 

Do you see the way I talk myself down
Breathe in, breathe out
Because I’m at the point I’m having to remind myself 
How to merely survive. 

Do you see the little girl
That’s scared of her own shadow
Do you see how desperate she is 
For a life away from pain and hurt 
But doesn’t know who to turn to 
Who to trust or believe
Do you see the way she’s stopped smiling
And appearing in the photos
Do you see the way she hides in joggers and hoodies
And puts on these 24 hour shows
Of how she’s fine, okay, doesn’t want to talk
How she’s losing her sparkle 
And will to keep living
If you look through the mask

You’ll see she’s dying. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Innocence - poem

There once was a little girl
With white blonde hair 
Who smiled, who laughed 
Who loved life without a care. 

She wore pretty polka dot dresses 
And sparkley shoes 
She loved to prance about on stage 
She had nothing to lose. 

She was the class clown
Always cracking jokes
She loved people, and talking, laughing and joking 
She was so carefree and happy 
She had nothing to fear 
And only when she stumbled over
Did she shed a tear. 

Suddenly it all changed 
She stopped being so carefree 
She began to question everything and everyone
She began to worry 
She stopped being so outgoing
She hid in her room
She swapped her pretty dresses
For baggy clothes 
And the bright eyes 
And glowing skin
Quickly dulled and her personality

If you watch her closely 
You would’ve seen
Her retreat into herself
Hide away from everyone

The world wasn’t so fantastic anymore 

Imagine freedom - poem

Imagine a life not focussed on food
Where each meal doesn’t dictate your day and you mood
Imagine a life that is free and real
Where you wake up each day excited to live
And don’t just dread the next meal

Imagine a time where exercise is fun 
It’s running around the park on a summers day 
Enjoying being in the sun
You’d run to feel the breeze 
And walk to admire the trees. 

Imagine a life without hospitals 
Without meal plans and appointments 
Without rules and restrictions 
And your eating disorder causing disarray 
With constant contradictions. 

Imagine numbers being just for math 
And the occasional soduku 
And the only scales you cared about 
We’re the ones weighing your suitcases 
As you jet off to visit more places. 

Imagine christmases with hot cocoa
And Easter’s with eggs
And birthdays with cake 
And hot days with milkshakes. 

Don’t give up on this life
It’s closer than you think. 
And I know sometimes
You feel on the brink. 
But hold onto hope
Keep plodding along
I promise you it’s possible
You just have to stay strong. 
So take it Day by day
And be kind to yourself 
Keep fighting and don’t quit
Because this life, free from this illness
It’ll be worth it.