Thursday, May 23, 2019


To the people who have come,
To the people who have stayed
 To the people who have held my hand
When I became so afraid. 

For the letters in the post
And texts to keep me in the loop
For the hours of phone calls when I felt so alone
And endless tags on Facebook. 

To every last person who saw me beneath the illness that tried to take me
For being there; remaining strong, for always offering me a shoulder to cry on

Thankyou for carrying me when I felt so tired
For holding me up when my strength had expired 
Thankyou for believing in me when hope dwindled through
Thankyou for being my sunshine when the future felt so blue. 

Everyday I grow stronger, 
Everyday I learn 
And I know I still have a road to travel, 
But I’ll get there in turn. 

And to the people that doubted me,
That gave up on me quick
You give me more drive, strength, determination
To prove you wrong, because I’ll make it. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Mirror mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall
Do you ever tire of watching me fall
You play these games inside my head
You make me feel so repulsive I’d rather be dead. 
Mirror mirror on the wall
You bully me, put me down til I can barely crawl
You’ve caught me in a cycle of pressure, of failure and self hatred 
You trap me further in the world of anorexia you’ve created. 

Mirror mirror you hang there so innocently
Whispering remarks and sniggers so viciously 
You twist my vision, you blur my words
Mirror mirror you are my curse. 

Mirror mirror do you see what you do
You warp my reality 
This damage you reap you cannot undo
Mirror mirror you’re nothing but glass 
And yet the power you hold is so dangerously vast
Mirror mirror you make no sense 
You’ve stripped me of my confidence 
Everything you show me, more than just my reflection 
Its confirms my fears, my beliefs, it’s a warped deception 
Mirror mirror you narrate a story that goes beyond just an image
You started off so quiet and innocent, 
You’ve torn away more of my soul than I could have ever envisaged. 

Mirror mirror, why are you so cruel? 
Mirror mirror, why do you like to watch me fall? 
Mirror mirror you’ve entangled me in your web of criticism, self loathing and shame
Deep down I know that I’m worth more than what you show
So mirror mirror please, why won’t you let me go?