Friday, June 29, 2018

What do you see? - poem

What do you see when you look at me? 
Do you see the smile I force
The act I play
The show I try to display. 

Do you see the im fine, I promise
The im coping, dont worry 
Do you see my eyes cast downward
The way when you question me,
I deflect in such a hurry. 

Or do you see me
The broken, lost girl I am
Seemingly frozen in time
And unable to break free
From the cage constructed so tightly around me. 

Tell me, do you see my struggles
The way I beg myself to keep going
To maintain this picture that 
I’m in some way coping. 

Do you see the way I cover my ears 
And close my eyes 
In an attempt to convince myself
This is a horrible nightmare, it’s not real
That I’m begging myself to wake up
And it to be surreal. 

Do you see the way I talk myself down
Breathe in, breathe out
Because I’m at the point I’m having to remind myself 
How to merely survive. 

Do you see the little girl
That’s scared of her own shadow
Do you see how desperate she is 
For a life away from pain and hurt 
But doesn’t know who to turn to 
Who to trust or believe
Do you see the way she’s stopped smiling
And appearing in the photos
Do you see the way she hides in joggers and hoodies
And puts on these 24 hour shows
Of how she’s fine, okay, doesn’t want to talk
How she’s losing her sparkle 
And will to keep living
If you look through the mask

You’ll see she’s dying. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

I. Don’t. Fit. - poem

Who am I? 
What do I see? 
What do I like? 
What do I want to be? 
I don’t know
I just don’t know
I want to be free 
But this monster of ED 
Has stolen my identity 

My past feels like baggage
My future I fear 
My present feels hazy 
I just don’t want to be here. 

I feel so uncomfortable 
In this body,
In this life
Like I don’t fit right. 
I don’t know who I am 
Or what I’m supposed to be 
I am failing at fitting
The mould that was meant for me. 
I don’t understand everyday life
I feel disassociated from reality 
Like it’s just a concept 
A continuation of roles to play
Acts to show
All through the day. 

I tried to shrink my world
My body and my mind
I tried to make it all so small 
That morning would get inside 
I shrunk in my clothes 
The size of my thighs 
The width of my arms 
And in the process of doing so
I shrunk my priorities 
My ambitions in life 
Slowly bit by bit 
I made it all so tiny and seemingly manageable 

But I didn’t fit. 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Anniversaries- poem

Two years ago 
They came to my house 
I curled up in a ball
Hoping they couldn’t see me 
Trying to make myself small

I refused to speak
They’d already made up their mind
I can’t dodge them forever 
There’s no place to hide 
It’s time to come with us, they said 
And I hide away further and cried. 

No amount of pleading 
Or protest to another chance 
Swayed their minds this time
They’re being firm 
No wiggle room
For the first time in weeks 
My face crumbles
The tears start pouring 
I can’t hide, pretend, lie anymore 
No more final warning. 

Dragged from my home
To place worse than hell
Greeted with threats of death 
Terrified to my core 
Trying to hold on by a thread 
But I’ve given up, hopeless
All I want is to be dead. 

Perfectionism - poem

What if my best
Isn’t good enough. 

I try and try and try 
I push myself beyond breaking point
Trying to please, be enough 
Not let people down, pretend their comments don’t sting
Not be over sensitive, pretend I don’t care
But it’s too much to bare. 

And I feel a chronic wrench of guilt
Shame and embarrassment
For all the things I do and don’t do
But most difficultly
For my existence 
For the very fact I wake up each day
And breathe, live
I’m a burden, a problem 
A pain that persists. 

I wish I was invisible 
I wish I looked as small as I feel
I wish the ground would swallow me whole
I wish I could find a way to conceal
The flaws I carry daily
The self doubt, self hatred. 
I wish I could be someone, anyone else 
I wish my life wasn’t dictated 
By how much I resent myself 
The repulsion I feel when I look
In the mirror, at my reflection
By my faults and failings 
My unrelenting strive for perfection
That leaves me feeling inadequate 

Inpatient - poem

Days drag
But the months fly by
Trapped in four walls
I can’t help but question, why? 

Why is this fair
Why is this reality
Why can I not cope
Why can I not be free 

Distract yourself
Decorate your room
Try to make it feel safer 
Like you were at home 

But you can’t kid yourself on
That you’re in the place that is yours
When you are so far from home
So far from family and friends 
Comfort and familiarity 
And then your told your section extends
And you feel like you can’t breathe. 
I try to stay strong, I’m told I have a voice
But when they’re restraining me for NG feeds
And not letting me go out 
I know I don’t have a choice. 

Anorexia, an abusive partner - poem

You shout
I cower 
You mock
I lower my head
You call
I come
You put me through hell
Make me wish I was dead. 

You whisper 
Conspire and tease
Manipulate and deceive. 
You lure me into your traps 
You force me with your icy talons
You blind me, gag me, hold me down
Treading water isn’t possible
When you’ve tied bricks to my feet
I sink, I drown. 

You’ve caught me in a vortex of pain
Vicious cycles and constant pressure
I go at 100mph to try and keep up
I fear your displeasure 
Your explosive temper and vile words
Your critique and abuse 
I’m a puppet on strings 
A dog in an electric collar
You convince me that 
I am in control
When really, you call all the shots
You force me to say and do
Keep me awake with your plots. 

Trapped in a cage
You’ve woven so tightly
You force me to believe
That this is my worth, my reality. 
Your words are cutting
You know all my secrets
You pour salt into wounds
And laugh at my weakness. 

You’ve battered me down
To nothing and no one 
The scars on my skin 
Are the only visible  sign 
Of The years spent
At the mercy of your torture 
But no mark could ever show
The true extent 
Of the damage of your words
Your actions and power 
Your cohesive control
That contorted my life
And strangled my soul

The sun, fresh air, being alive - poem

I smiled today
And not half heartily
It reached my eyes 
And I felt happy. 

I laugh a little longer now
I feel it in my belly
A laugh I didn’t know existed 
Or maybe it had been so long  
Since I felt joy and peace
It shocked me a little 
But for once, I felt strong. 

I felt like me, and I don’t know who that is
But I think I’m ready to find out
To make up for what I’ve missed. 
For years and years I’ve been held hostage
By this curse of an illness
For the things it promised

But no high of starvation 
Or rush from exercise 
Or feeling of control 
Could help disguise 
The brutality of the beast 
The indignity of it all
The harrowing abuse it put me through
How it set me up to watch me fall. 

Well not anymore
I’m breaking free
Not another second of punishment
THIS is how it’s meant to be. 

I feel the sun on my skin
The warmth that runs through me
The fresh air on my face 
I take a deep breath

This is the light at the end of the tunnel
Beginning to glow stronger 
This is the ‘it’ll get better’ 
When I’m wishing the days were longer
And I have more time to live 
Because living doesn’t hurt 
And I’m not scared 
To lean on the support
Should you raise your ugly head 
I will not conform. 

Memories to cherish
Conversations that thrive 
For the first time in along time

I’m thankful I’m alive. 

Body dysmorphia - poem

It must be a nightmare
This CANT be real
I catch another glimpse of my reflection
There must be a mistake 
Please don’t say that’s me 
My hands begin to shake. 

I can’t look like that
Overflowing my clothes
Tree trunks of legs
Even swollen toes. 
That can’t be my stomach
That rolls when I bend
Or my face so puffy and rounded 
Too far gone to amend. 

Please say they’re not my arms
That bulge from my sleeves
And the hips that are covered in fat
Are not as disgusting as perceived. 

I pray that’s not accurate 
And I don’t look that disgusting 
But I know, it’s real, true, me

And I’d rather be nothing. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

If the walls could speak - poem

If these walls could speak 
They’d tell tales
Of the girl that cried herself to sleep 
And cried over her fails. 
The girl that stood in front of the mirror
And tore herself down
That dragged herself out of bed each day
Forced herself to not frown. 
To smile, be okay
To just GET A GRIP. 

They’d tell you how she’d hold it all together 
For hours til she’s slip. 
She’d grab the piece of glass
She’d hidden for days 
And dig it into her wrists 
In hope the throughts would slow their pace. 
She’d exercise for hours 
Til 3am and her eyes ached as much as her legs 
She’d drop into bed, dreading the day ahead. 
She’d walk into her room, trying to maintain the smile on her face
And as soon as she realised she was alone
And her thoughts would start to race 
She collapses in the corner
Silent tears, not to cause a fuss
Hitting her head with her fists 
Begging the voices to stop 
But the torture persists. 

You’d see the girl that laughs 
And tries to make sure everyone’s okay
Belittle herself
Tell herself she’s worthless 
Questioning how her life is in such disarray. 
You see the girl everyone said is strong
Crumble into nothingness
Repeating to herself 

That her mere existence is wrong. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Goodbye and Thankyou - poem

goodbyes are something I really struggle with, but something I’m learning to cope with better. Recently, my psycholgist left who has been my rock through the last 18 months of this admission. This was my way of saying Thankyou to her, and helping me say goodbye to someone who has transformed my life.

Waist deep in quick sand
I was falling again
Terrified because I didn’t want to be trapped 
I didn’t want to be in pain 

I knew I had to fight through
Untangle myself from its clutches 
Give myself the chance to live
Learn to weather the storm
Be brave and be strong
Go against the ‘norm’. 

It all felt so black and hopeless
But through, there shone a light
A hand reaches out to help me
And there’s a chance to unite
Someone’s here to help me
I knew I was not alone
That’s all I really needed 
When everything felt so unknown. 

Scary at first,
I feared it was wrong
My mind kept rushing back 
To what it’s known all along. 
But one step forward 
Followed by two back
Is progress none the less
It was change from the cycles 
And even if there was more distress 
I learnt how to feel it
To sit with it more
With the support and encouragement
I knew I wasn’t alone in this war. 

The bad times came 
And sometimes they seemed overwhelming
But we regrouped, we kept working
Found knew ways of helping

Difficult times is an understatement
We worked through a lot
Faced the demons that were trapping me
And keeping me stuck 
The memories that scared me
The beliefs I couldn’t shift
The dangerous situations 
That seemed to persist. 

We shone light on the eating disorder
We exposed it for its true self
That maybe it once tried to help
And it kept me in a bubble, gave me control
Numbed the pain, helped me console
The fear that run through me
The self hatred I felt 
It hid my broken soul. 

But it didn’t, it caused more pain
It didn’t keep me safe
It didn’t help contain
The thoughts and feelings 
I’d fought to block out
And I finally felt safe enough
To start to doubt
The rational it provided
The evidence it gave
And with a lot of hard work
The wall it built started to cave. 

It took a leap of faith 
But it saved my life 
I knew I wasn’t alone this time
And week in week out 
I slowly began to realise 
I could talk, I could feel
It was okay to not be okay 
I allowed myself to heal. 

hope and dedication
And a lot of hard work
Meant the good days started out numbering the bad
And I could start to see
That the world I was so scared of 
Wasn’t all i feared it to be. 

Not everyone was bad
They didn’t want to hurt me
They just wanted to help
They wanted to help me be free 

The darkness that surrounded me
It began to lift
And although some days it hangs heavier again
I know I can persist. 
A silver lining to everything that’s happened
Is I know I am strong enough to keep going
But what I’ve learnt is that 
I don’t have to do it alone. 
It’s okay to be vunerable
It’s okay to ask for help
It’s okay to not be perfect 
To not feel okay
It doesn’t mean I’m broken 
Or hope has faded away
It means I’ve been brave 
And I’ll actually get the help I need
All The work we have done
All 18 months long
The crying, laughter, distress and success 
It’s been worth it all. 

Ive gained so much knowledge
Insight, wisdom and understanding 
But i couldn’t have done it alone
You’ve be truly outstanding. 
Thankyou for sticking by me, 
Through the highs and the lows
I’m confident I can keep fighting this 
No matter what life throws. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Weight - poem

A number on the scales
It dictates my day 
It rules my mood
It controls my life. 

A little machine
I stand on twice a week
Decides my fate 
Fits my worth
Around my physique 

A number that should mean nothing 
Means more than life itself 
Right now, that number that shows
Has more power than a cheerleading fan club
And a support system so strong
That number is my whole life 
And every time I stand on those scales,
It’s wrong. 

I feel trapped in a body
That I detest to the point I feel sick
If that number goes up again
That’s it. 

I can’t take this anymore
If I am a number 
And that number is wrong
And I am as worthless as I believe 
I cannot live with myself 
I cannot unweave 
This anarchy in my head
The war that persists 
The decision that is made
That should that number rise

I am to die 

Scales - poem

A little machine
Covered in glass
Make me scream in pain
as I stand on them. 
I hover at first
Just a toe at a time
Convincing myself of the worst. 
The number flashes up
My world caved in 
The lump in my throat swells
I can’t breathe
I feel sick and disgusted 
Out of control and bad
My mind gets more destructive. 

I stand on those scales and 
My worth is quantified 
Twice in 3 days
Who I am, what I deserve 
My failures and flaws
Magnified because of the number. 
If I can’t even control my body
Or my weight
What I eat and drink
How can I possibly be able to do anything? 
Incompetent, a waste of space, useless. 
I was to shrink down  
To completely disappear 
My body is now my enemy
It doesn’t match my mind
I’m becoming desperate once again 
And I  feel resigned 
To the idea of a life free from this 
A future without ED 

Trapped, locked in, hopeless.