Monday, January 28, 2019

It’ll never be enough - poem

Anorexia stop lying 
It’ll never be enough
You’ll never be satisfied 
This time, I call your bluff. 
You can lie to me, trick me, pull me down your path
Only so many times before I stand up and say
Enough is enough. 

For seven long years I’ve fought the war
Against you and your allies 
Miss perfectionism, body dysmorphia,
And I see through your disguise 
The rose tinted glasses have been shattered on the ground
The calm and stability you float in front of my eyes
Has harshly run aground. 

I see you for all you’ve taken, 
Not only the time, the years,
But my soul. 
You tried to snatch me up, take me in
Well not anymore. 

I have all I need, my friends and familt
A team of people who genuinely care for me
And that’s more than you can claim in your pathetic fallacy.  
My emotions won’t kill me, 
But you trying to manage them will 
My routine will stay sound
As long as I continue to fight you, and not let myself become ill. 

You see you promise to help
But I see through your lies 
It’s time to part ways now
So here’s my final goodbye. 

Yes the pie is scary and the ice cream gives me the shakes
And a croissant might grow legs and chase me
The custard might erupt 
And all these things can seem so scary. 

But the biggest fear at all, above anything else
Is the reality that if I do not fight you now
You will take more of my life. 

So on that note, farewell. 

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