Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Grief - poem


One day you’re here, you are talking, joking and laughing,
The world seems at peace, birds singing and flying. 
The flowers all have colour
And the trees are rich with leaves 
The sky is the bluest of blues 
And you are here, just in reach. 

And the it all changed, so quick, in just a split second 
The world became so stormy, a new horizon beckoned. 
The colours, they dulled, fresh scents faded
A must, a fog rolled in, the peace was tainted. 
I don’t know how I lost you, when you said your final words 
I wander, if I had known they’d be your last, would I have held onto them so close? 
If I had known that the last time we spoke
Would be the last time id hear your voice,
Would I have picked the phone up and felt so happy, and eagerly rejoiced? 
If I had known the last time I got a letter in the post
With your immaculate handwriting
Would I have savoured the beautiful words a little longer
Seen how they hold such beauty and shining. 
If I had known the last time I’d seen you, would be the last time for good
Would I have ever stopped hugging you? 
Would I have tried harder, listened, understood? 

You were here one day, and gone the next
And all I have to hold are your letters, our memories
Of the late night chatters
When everyone else was asleep
The secret garden we laid in
Feeling so at peace. 
The stories you told me, the adventures you had travelled
The people you had met and the 
Wars you had battled. 
I have the voicemails you left me
When I didn’t reach the phone
And the parcels that lifted me
When I so badly missed home. 
I wrap myself in the blanket you sent me
Despite it being the warmest day of the year
With your comforting words ‘keep your heart warm my dear’. 

I know I couldn’t know, I couldn’t predict what happened
I can’t understand how one minute you are here and the next you have vanished. 

I attempt to console myself, in anyway you would’ve
But I am quick to realise, it’s a void I will never fill. 
People say grief, it lessens in time
You learn to hold onto the good memories only 
I’ll somehow create a manageable, less painful paradigm. 

But there is a chasm in my life, in my heart and soul
The reality that you are gone, I cannot control. 
If I could have just one more conversation,
One more hug, one more letter, one more word
Maybe it’d hurt less, id feel some kind of closure. 
But I know that’s not possible 
For if I got to be with you again, for one last show

I know, oh I know I would never let go. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

It’ll never be enough - poem

Anorexia stop lying 
It’ll never be enough
You’ll never be satisfied 
This time, I call your bluff. 
You can lie to me, trick me, pull me down your path
Only so many times before I stand up and say
Enough is enough. 

For seven long years I’ve fought the war
Against you and your allies 
Miss perfectionism, body dysmorphia,
And I see through your disguise 
The rose tinted glasses have been shattered on the ground
The calm and stability you float in front of my eyes
Has harshly run aground. 

I see you for all you’ve taken, 
Not only the time, the years,
But my soul. 
You tried to snatch me up, take me in
Well not anymore. 

I have all I need, my friends and familt
A team of people who genuinely care for me
And that’s more than you can claim in your pathetic fallacy.  
My emotions won’t kill me, 
But you trying to manage them will 
My routine will stay sound
As long as I continue to fight you, and not let myself become ill. 

You see you promise to help
But I see through your lies 
It’s time to part ways now
So here’s my final goodbye. 

Yes the pie is scary and the ice cream gives me the shakes
And a croissant might grow legs and chase me
The custard might erupt 
And all these things can seem so scary. 

But the biggest fear at all, above anything else
Is the reality that if I do not fight you now
You will take more of my life. 

So on that note, farewell. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Dear anorexia, you’ve done it again - poem

Dear anorexia, you’ve done it again
You lied, you tricked me, you pretended to be my friend. 
You saw I was scared, vulnerable and lost
You watched my every move and planned to take me at any cost. 

It’s been 6 months since I made the move back home
It should’ve been filled with happy memories and so
Do you see what you’ve done, over again? 
Do you see the damage you reap, how you drive me insane. 
You started of with just a whisper, a nudge toward you and your ideas 
You were so quiet and calm, I believed you, 
It appears optimism is my weakness. 
You see I believed what you said, I believed I was in control, 
I thought I knew better this time
And that you could help console 
The fear I felt, how self conscious I was 
The chaos my head was in, 
With all the unfamiliarity and instability within. 

You weren’t anorexia, not then at least, 
You were the routine I craved and a familiar voice. 
And I can’t pinpoint when you changed, when you became so violent and abusive
I can’t tell you exactly when you started to call me stupid
And pathetic and worthless and a burden to all
And fat and disgusting and a failure to say the least 
And you got louder, deafening in my ears as you won the battle and the number decreased. 

And I should be happy because I’m doing what you say 
But don’t you see what actually happened? 
My will, my hope, my smile began to decay. 
You have filled my mind with meaningless numbers
And rituals and rules and do you see how it covers
Every thought and behaviour, all I say and do
Do you see how you’ve broken me
And so I sit here, trying to construe
Why, why me? What have I done? 
Haven’t I made it clear that
I want to live, and have fun. 

So anorexia, congratu-fucking-lations 
Because I’m your puppet again
Because I am unable to distinguish 
Where you begin and I end. 
You’ve reduced my self worth to the number on the scale
To my weight, my shape and my size 
And you see, anorexia, really it shouldn’t come as any surprise. 
Because you take, you take all you want
And who is left to pay? 
The poor little girl that you saw in dismay. 
You won this battle, that is for sure
But I promise you, you will not win the war. 

While you put up a battle inside of my head, 
I’m no longer clueless to you tactics and I see how you tread 
Quietly at times, then a thumping noise
But I will fight back, I will fight on
You will not beat me, no matter what,

I will go on. 

Friday, January 11, 2019


‘You spent along time in the bathroom’ 
Said mum
‘I’m not feeling too good, my tummy hurts a lot and my hands feel numb’
I cast my eyes downward as I know it’s self inflicted 
I swear I am okay, and hope my mum will be uplifted. 

I’m doing okay I promise 
I need abit more space 
To prove to myself I can do this 
With not too much hast. 

I push them away again, I push everyone out
No one can know the cliff I have fallen off of, they can’t even doubt. 

‘You’ve been out a lot today fi, are you okay
I feel like I’ve barely seen you recently
Is there anything you want to say?’ 

No mum I promise, dad I am fine
A stab presses my stomach, for me lying is a crime. 
My therapist, dietician and psychiatrist 
Social workers and more
They know something doesn’t add up
But my deceit wins the war. 

I’m wrapped up in layers on layers 
Shaking by the fire 
Nothing will warm this empty house I live in
This so called body, draped in attire. 

I’m okay, I promise I’m managing on the whole
I have my blips and bad days but I’m not poorly anymore. 

My bedroom has become darker, the drawers are locked with secrets 
My pencil sharpeners aren’t one anymore
And the pills are my weakness. 

My journal entities are shorter 
The same few words over and recall
Of tiredness, emptiness and hopelessness
Of how I just cannot do it anymore. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Don’t come too close - poem

Don’t come too close
I’m hiding for a reason 
Trying to protect my secret
Though its evolving to be treason 
I’m trying to help you
Stop putting you through pain
You see I have fallen so fast 
It seems my will power couldn’t refrain 
From the temptation of familiarity 
Of safety, stability and calm
And I am utterly clueless why;
After all these years of fighting the hard battle
I’m so caught under the charm 
Under the luring whispers
And convincing discussions
Tripping, more like falling with open arms 
Never remembering the full repercussions. 

You see I was doing so well
I was so utterly sound in the belief
That anorexia was part of my past
That the voice would finally give me some relief. 
The reality is so far off
It seems I’m not only caught under its cobweb of thought
But the web continues to thicken, to strengthen by the day
And I’m fighting, my god I fight to be free
But it exhausts me
And the web only gains in velocity. 

Rose tinted glasses led me back here
And now I’m sat in the true darkness of the beast 
The more I fight to be free
The louder the sniggering rings 
The noise of anorexia
Laughing, mocking, belittling
As it knows, it has me completely in its grips. 

I thought I was okay, I thought I was in control
I couldn’t tell you when I tumbled off the cliff edge,
Or when the aim became reality and the target shifted even further away
Tickling my finger tips, just out of reach
But I do know this, that this course of torment I never knowingly did enrol 
The harsh critique of anorexia is stronger than ever

I’m a control freak out of control.