Friday, August 24, 2018

Please be patient. - life with an ED

‘Don’t listen to it’
‘Stop listening to your eating disorder’
‘Why are you doing this again?’

I know you mean well, it can be hard to understand why someone seemingly goes round and around this vicious cycle that only leaves them more unhappy, desperate and miserable than before. How they can see their life fall apart, be torn from them, and still not manage to turn it around. I hear you say these words of wisdom, to not listen to the voices, to trust the professionals, to be strong, be brave, go against it. 
Let me try and explain what I struggle to understand myself. Anorexia, an eating disorder, it’s like being in an abusive relationship. You don’t see it at first, in fact you think it’s making you happy. It’s giving you everything you could’ve asked for, even things you didn’t think you needed. It makes you feel better. It just sits on your shoulder, whispering in your ear. It’s there, from the second you wake up til the second you fall asleep. And then it infiltrated your dreams, it comforts your life. It’s manipulative, but you can’t see it. Things start to not add up. The rules change, these rules that your eating disorder sets out, a list of conditions and expectations. It never started like this, you didn’t need to do anything to please it. But now, it says you’ll be even happier, feel better, more in control, if you do these things. You do, because it’s never lied before. It HAS helped. And it is, after all, all for you. This thing came into your life to help you. You listen, you obey. The list of rules extends, the restrictions tighter. The voice starts becoming harsh and critical if a foot is stepped out of line. There are punishments, there are threats. You try even harder to keep the peace, you and this thing that is slowly taking over your every thought, every belief and value. It doesn’t let you rest for two seconds. Not even to sleep. The punishments get harsher, more extreme. Your self confidence dwindles because you cannot get it right, every act is wrong in some way. Perfection is the aim but perfection doesn’t exist. It’s hands are around your throat, it doesn’t perch on your shoulder, it’s blanketed you from head to toe. Each day is like dragging around this black weighted screaming blanket. The vile words, the critique, the unrelenting abuse. In recovery from an eating disorder, you are told to not listen, you are told to go against what it says. From the outside looking in it looks simple, but from the inside, please understand that this voice, it has complete control, it has for so long and it does not want to let go. It knows all your deepest insecurities, it is with you twenty four hours a day. As you talk to someone else, it is talking to you. Sneering, sarcastic comments. Sometimes it just whispers, sometimes it screams so loudly you can’t understand how no one else can hear it. Sometimes, it’s kind, it is that perfection that it first presented itself as. In those moments, you have to fight the hardest ever to not be lured back. And whatever you do, it will go on to shout, scream, shriek in your ears. 

An eating disorder is a hell that I could never fully explain. It has literally torn my life apart and I can promise you, no sufferer wants what they are going through. No one chooses it, and you can’t just ‘stop’. It takes the toughest battle of your life to slowly pull out the claws that the eating disorder has so deeply in, to go against the rules, the orders it hollers. Please be patient, we are trying our hardest. 

Monday, August 13, 2018

It hurts - a not poetic poem

Swimming in thick mud
Constantly kicking, trying to stay afloat
If you stop for even a second 
The currents will drag you under 
Taking everything in just a moment. 

I try to tear away 
I try to unpeal the claws that are so deeply entrenched 
Nails dig in, the hold tightens 
The more I push and fight
The stronger the shackles become 
The faster I’m towed backward. 

The light is there but fading 
The thick blackness swamps 
It’s around my neck, my throat tightens 
I have to stop screaming now
It washes over my face 
I’m under, holding my breath 
What’s the point though? 
It seems my fate is decided, death. 

There’s nothing pretty about this 
Nothing poetic 
It’s my eating disorder killing me 

That is it. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Young girl - poem

Young girl, hold on
I promise this pain,
It will pass
It’s not life long. 

Little girl that is so scared, 
It’s okay to ask for help
To need a little extra care. 
I know you’re frightened,
I know it’s overwhelming 
I know the voice in your head 
Is ever so compelling. 

But put down that razor
Pick up that fork
Have a warm bath 
Find someone with whom you can talk. 
Turn on the light
Open the curtains
Step into the fresh air 
Breathe, feel, slow down 
Feel the wind sweep your hair. 

Sit down, put your feet on the ground
Hold your favourite teddy 
Wrap yourself tight in your blanket 
It’s okay to not feel ready. 
It’s okay to feel afraid, vulnerable 
It’s okay to not know. 
It’s okay to want to hide away for a while
It’s okay to not force the ‘im fine’ show. 

Little girl, it’s okay to not be okay
And feel out of your depth 
To fear all of the unknowns. 
But please, please remember 

You don’t have to go through this alone. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

It’s a battle - poem

There’s no magic pill
Or a breakthrough therapy session
No magic wand
Or epiphany decision

This is a war
Against your own mind
Every second of every day 
Is a battle of some kind. 
To fight the urge to use behaviours
To give in ‘just this once’ 
Constantly reminding yourself
That the voice in your head is a liar. 
Once is never enough, neither is 100 times 
It wants your life 

You have to be a fighter. 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

This is not me - poem

I look at the mirror
A stranger stares back
She looks as confused as me
Is this some kind of trap?
An optical illusion
Because this is not me
I am not the person
She acts to be. 

I am not deceitful, I do not lie
I am not cold, and rude
I do not want to die. 
I don’t hate the world
I do care about my friends 
I care about my family 
I like to make amends. 

But this person looking back
She’s a shell of a being. 
Her eyes are empty, her soul hyjacked
By the monster that rages within. 
Her hair is limp and lifeless 
Her skin is grey and cold
Her lips are dry and sealed tight 
She looks controlled. 
You can almost see
The black shadow that lingers 
A heavy weight she lugs around
That tugs her backward, pulls her down. 

She looks scared
She looks tired 
She fights, but the wrong thing, wrong people
And her strength has expired. 
She looks lost, and so alone
I’d want to wrap her up, make her feel at home

But you can quickly tell, she’s already gone. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I’m the girl - poem

I’m the girl
That lost her sparkle 
That lost the will to live
That fought everyone that tried to help her
Because she didn’t want to exist. 

I’m the girl that resigned her life
To the illnesses that would kill her
That hated herself so much
She’s wanted nothing more than to disappear. 

I’m the girl that wept into her pillow at night
And hid away in her room
Hoping to remain out of sight. 
That was in so much mental hell
That she turned it on herself. 
She punished herself 
Tore herself down
Was so harsh and violent 
Self deprecating, abusive 
But outwardly, was silent. 
I’m the girl that starved herself
And took blades to her skin
That tried to end her life
Because she couldn’t cope with the pain within. 

I’m the girl that hit rock bottom
Only for the earth to collapse beneath her 
That fell so far down the rabbit hole
She couldn’t even believe there was a way up. 
She couldn’t believe it would ever get better. 

I’m the girl that wanted to die
Because living hurt so much.  
I’m the girl that hid in the wardrobe
That shut her eyes so tight, covered her ears
Hoping that if she made herself as small as possible
She would eventually just disappear. 

I’m the girl that shut out the world
Pushed everyone away, was deceitful, that lied 
That wanted nothing more 
Than to die. 

But I’m also the girl that stands here today
Able to tell my story 
Of the times I felt so wrenchingly hopeless 
So pained and angry 
So lost and alone 
Sad and terrified 
But here today because
Despite it all, I survived. 

I’m the girl that fought the demons
She swore had won. 
I’m the girl that needed a little bit of help
To see the fire hadn’t gone out completely,
Just dimmed in the storm. 
But a lot of hard work and patience 
Meant the single lasting flame 
Stood strong in the gales
And with a lot of dedication 
The fire started to warm again
The light began to glow
And I began to see it was worth it
Even if it felt slow. 

I’m the girl that got back up
Everytime I fell over 
I’m the girl that kept reminding herself to hold on
Because this pain couldn’t last forever. 

I’m the girl that had to learn to stand again
On her own two feet, and brace herself for the next hit. 
I had to learn that, yes, the storm would come, but I cannot quit. 

I’m the girl that was once so lost
So quiet, scared and hidden 
That now laughs, and smiles
That now has a vision. 
I want the days to be longer 
And the nights oh so starry. 
I want the sun to shine, the leaves to rust
I want the snow to fall, to accumulate in drifts. 
I want to dream in wanderlust. 
I want to meet more people 
And explore more places 
I want to live in this world 
To live, not just survive 
After all these years of not even living
I’ve been revived. 

I’m the girl that was told I would never get better 
The girl that was signed off as chronic. 
I’m the girl that was turned away by help
For being too complex, too chaotic. 
I’m also the girl that never stopped fighting 
No matter what my illnesses told me
No matter how torn down I felt
Because I wanted to be free. 
And I kept going, no matter the cards I was dealt. 

I’m the girl, that is not supposed to be here. 
But I stand here today, strong, alive
And ready to take on the world 
Because despite all the odds,

I did survive.