Saturday, December 2, 2017

My true collapse - poem

The laugher wavers
The smile cracks
And you see for the first time
My true collapse 
See beyond the ‘in fine’ 
Understand that I’m not just ‘tired’ 
But that I’m utterly exhausted 
My strength has expired 
Along with any hope or bravery 
Or will to just survive
That got me through the actual trauma
Because now I’m barely alive. 

I’m left a self deprecating wreck 
And I surrender to the demons
The people that hurt me win
They broke me long ago 
I’ve been trying to fix the puzzle pieces 
What I failed to realise is 
There is such a strong undertow 
Of moments of hell frozen in time
That leave me lost back in the past
And I’m scared I’ll never be free 
Because it all feels so real

My stomach is wrenching with fear
My mind races, I can’t breathe 
I can’t hear, speak or move;
Why is all this happening to me? 

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